Aida and quality of the product

  • Being able to offer a quality espresso gourmet, fragrant, at its most aromatic expression.
  • Total quality control offer; we only use selected mixtures of raw coffee, the quality sieve and are constantly monitored.
  • The raw coffee is not subject to aging due to oxidation of the essential oils and waxes, as in the case of the roasted coffee, and without being toasted is maintained long (if stored in a suitable environment) while maintaining their organoleptic characteristics.
  • Less space occupied by the stocks in the warehouse, the raw coffee in fact occupies up to 30% less than the beans.
  • Ability to toast just in time, and never get into trouble for the occurrence of unexpected consumption.

Aida and the economy

  • AIDA shortens the commercial chain of coffee, giving the professional bar the possibility of being able to cater directly for mixtures of raw product by the importer, skipping the expensive ring roaster multiplying the sales revenue of the coffee business.
  • As a quality product, are encouraged counter sales and marketing for domestic use.
  • Low power consumption of the roasting process completes the picture of the economic benefits.

Aida and marketing

  • The opportunity to toast in their own local mixture becomes a strategic weapon against direct competition.
  • Allows you to make the ritual of tasting Espresso something unique, memorable and special.
  • A plus to connote that ends positively in the eyes of the customers, the entire activity of a cafe / pastry shop in question, and enhances its reputation and noting the absolute dedication to the pursuit of quality of products sold. Facilitates the mechanism of word of mouth among customers.
  • Allows you to customize the composition and the degree of browning of the mixture, making it unique and recognizable. "My Espresso? You'll find it only by me". Our team of experts will be happy to advise you in the best way with regard to the definition of its components, in terms of percentages and sources used.
  • Allows you to satisfy every request for a settlement by the client in the preparation of blends created ad hoc.
  • Sensorially speaking, the roasting process will be accompanied by fragrant aromas of coffee, wowing customers and giving a context of absolute quality artisan product, light years away from the purely industrial.
  • Aida allows to teach the customer about different botanical species, and the diversity in taste and processing among various places of plantation, guiding him through a fascinating journey into the world of coffee.

Aida and safety

  • The roasting process takes place entirely without the use of fuel gas, the jet of hot air that goes through the roasting drum is generated by a resistance electrically powered, in all safety.
  • The beep at the end of toasted and mechanism of automatic shutdown in the event of loss of use, damage further confirm and guarantee the excellent work of our engineers.